Nearmap subscribers in USA, Australia and New Zealand can now access Nearmap aerial images (include old surveys) as basemap layer in RapidPlan.
Nearmap is one of the world’s leading providers of aerial imagery and location data. This, as well as a host of other recent mapping integrations, has reinforced Invarion’s commitment to providing RapidPlan customers access to the most current, high resolution aerial imagery services available – from within our software.
How can I access Nearmap as a map provider in RapidPlan?
Presuming you already have a current Nearmap subscription, the first step is to include them as an option on your basemap providers list. To do this, navigate to the Properties palette. Under “Basemap”, select the click-down menu next to “Provider”. At the bottom of the menu, choose “More providers”.
In the dialogue box that appears, check the box next to Nearmap, then click “Save”.
This option will now display in the click-down menu. Again, navigate to the Provider menu and select Nearmap. A dialogue box will then appear asking for your Nearmap API key. To obtain your API key, following these instructions. After entering these details, click “Save”.
Imagery provided by Nearmap will now display on the background in your canvas area.