Our Guarantee

Customer satisfaction is our top priority.

14-Day Money Back Guarantee

Customer Satisfaction is our number one priority, we want you to get the most from our software which is why we offer our industry-leading guarantee.

Enjoy our software risk-free with our money-back guarantee. New customers can give it a try for 14 days—if you’re not completely satisfied, we’ll refund your subscription in full.

Interested in trying our web-based products?  In place of a money-back guarantee, all new customers will receive a built-in 14-day trial before their first subscription payment is processed—if you’re not completely satisfied, you can cancel your subscription during the trial period and it will not continue to the selected billing period.

Refund policy: Please note that we cannot offer refunds on recurring subscription payments. If you will not need access beyond the end of your current billing period, simply sign in to your account on our website and head to the ‘Subscriptions & Billing’ tab at the top of the page, where you’ll find a ‘Cancel Plan’ button next to any active subscription(s).

If You Need Us, We’re Here To Help

We also guarantee that we will provide ongoing support for any questions you may have while using our traffic control planning software. We offer live, 24/5 technical support, a full online tutorial video library, as well as other learning resources to help you get the most from our software.