Improving work zone safety on busy roadways filled with construction workers, heavy equipment, pedestrians, cyclists, and motorists is complex. Solutions touch on everything from risk assessment of work zone location, working conditions, speed reduction, data collection to compliance with local regulations.
Developing detailed strategies on safety, traffic detours, clear zones, lane markings, and pedestrians can take hours for even the most experienced traffic safety professionals. This is why Invarion created RapidPlan – the world’s more complete traffic control plan software solution that incorporated simple click and drag technology. Developing a professional traffic control plan has never been easier.
Here’s five ways RapidPlan can help you improve your traffic control plans, while enabling you to create them more efficiently.
5) Clear, Comprehensive Sign Libraries
In most traffic conditions, excessive speeding elevates the dangers to both motorists and workers. Using appropriate warning signs is not only a legislative requirement in many countries, it can improve work zone safety.
RapidPlan now has comprehensive sign libraries for over 32 countries.

Open the Signs library within the RapidPlan software. From here, you can search for specific signs or browse for signs in categories like Detour, Pedestrians, Regulatory, and Speeds. If you need a sign that is not available in the library, RapidPlan’s design team can create it for you – free of charge.
Need your sign immediately? You can also create your own customized signage using the built-in tools.
Whether you need to notify oncoming motorists of wet tar or warn pedestrians of weed spraying, RapidPlan includes signs for every circumstance – or simply create the sign you need and store it in your scratchpad for later use.
4) Design Complex Intersections in Minutes, Not Hours
If you need to manually draw a road network, RapidPlan’s Intersection Editor will reduce your design time considerably.
Add features such as turning lanes, road markings and crosswalks – all in just a few clicks. No need to trace every line by hand; simply add the required feature, drag it to the correct position and select the style.

Have multiple intersections on one plan? Simply piece them together and RapidPlan will automatically merge the roads for you, saving time in the editing process.
RapidPlan also allows you to save predefined styles for any object, removing the hassle of editing objects each time they are created. Set predefined styles for intersection road styles such as lanes, widths, sidewalks and more!
3) Plan With Precision Using High Resolution Imagery
Prepare your traffic control plan over aerial imagery or mapping using RapidPlan’s integrated base maps. Prepare your plan to scale and precisely highlight any obstacles or hazards, reducing errors and saving time on multiple site visits.
Accuracy is of the utmost importance with any traffic control plan. Measure distances or space delineators precisely using the integrated mapping in RapidPlan.

The aerial imagery and mapping incorporated in RapidPlan is sourced from the world’s leading mapping providers – Google, Bing, Esri, just to name a few. By giving you options, you can simply choose the mapping that is the most current and clear for your region.
You can also access Google Street View at precise locations, for an on-site perspective.
Need to indicate to your traffic controllers exactly where signs need to be placed or where controllers need to be positioned? Using the Manifest export tool you can provide precise GPS location coordinates for all of your worksite devices, eliminating incorrect positioning and reducing time wasted when your team is on site.
If you have an active subscription to paid mapping services (such as Nearmap), you can integrate the imagery directly into RapidPlan, ensuring the most up-to-date, high resolution imagery is presented in your traffic control plans.
2) Selection of Detailed Marker Tools that Improve Plan Presentation
RapidPlan’s selection of marker tools allow you to accurately plan your worksite – no matter how complicated it may be.
Under each marker tool category, you’ll find all of the icons you need to create your traffic control plans, including:
- Safety Zones
- Work Areas
- Distance Markers
- Lane Status Symbols
- Train Tracks and Roadways
- Delineation Devices
- VMS Boards and Arrow Boards
- And Many More…

The manifest and legend automatically update as your plans are designed and edited, ensuring all devices required for your worksite are listed on the plan.
Accurately measuring distances for devices, coupled with the auto-updating manifest, mean you no longer need to manually calculate the number of devices required for a work site. Turning up to the site just to find yourself a few devices short means the return run to the depot is a thing of the past!
1) Plan Automation Tools That Increase Efficiency
Drawing roads and road networks in RapidPlan can be done in a snap. When using the integrated mapping, simply select the road or area you wish to be drawn, and RapidPlan can automatically import road structures for the selected area. The imported road structures contain information such as the street name, road classification, posted speed limit, lane count, and more. This feature can even recognize and draw out railways near your worksite!

Do you find yourself drawing the same traffic control plan over and over again, albeit with some minor changes? You can now make that a problem of the past with the custom template feature. Once you have created a set of generic plans they can be saved in a template folder for easy access. These can then be applied over integrated imagery for any future plans, dramatically reducing the time of redesigning a traffic control plan from scratch.
Want RapidPlan to take care of the drawing component for you? Our revolutionary auto template tool allows you to apply a typical setup over an aerial image. All you will need to do is select your location, specify the work site dimensions and apply the appropriate setup template.
Want to save even more time? RapidPlan has a database of hundreds of up-to-date templates that are fully customizable. Choose a template from your local road authority, then quickly make any adjustments that are specific to your site.

See Our Traffic Control Plan Software in Action
Over 10,000 engineers, event planners, government officials, and traffic control planners around the world use RapidPlan. We’re so certain you’ll love it that we even offer a 14-day money back guarantee.
Contact us today to schedule your free demonstration.