New update: RapidPlan and RapidPath 3.10

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What’s new in this update?

KML Support: Incorporate Keyhole Markup Language (KML/KMZ) geographic data into your plans and streamline your workflow by getting access to content created in Google Earth and similar KML-based systems.

Fit Objects: Automatically apply scale and rotate transformations required to fit objects to the underlying basemap or other existing content. This is particularly useful for aligning third party aerials.

Scale/Rotate At Point: Using the newly added “Select scale/rotate point” options, you can now scale or rotate selected objects around a specific point, provides a CAD-like experience for greater drawing precision and control over your plans.

Performance and Memory Usage Improvements: RapidPlan’s core rendering engine has been redesigned to provide significant performance and memory usage improvements, so you can enjoy a faster and more reliable drawing experience.

To learn more about what we have added in this update, view the video above, or visit the RapidPlan website for the full list of improvements.